Sunday, June 26, 2011

January 29, 1944


Dear family,
First off, I’m thanking you for the check. I reckon that was on the good big hog check you got. $1883.33 sounds like a nice little pile but I suspect that you can see the end of it already. Now take me. I still have two bucks left and I don’t know what I’ll spend them for. I have a little money coming for some work I did this week in Eugene for those people that are so nice to us. I went on the supply trip Wed. to Cottage Grove to the dentist and all he could find to do was clean my teeth. That cost me $2. So your check came in handy. I think it is the first time that I ever went to a dentist and never had a cavity to be filled. Well I got out of the dentists in time to hitch-hike the remaining 21 miles into Eugene by 12:00. I fooled around town and did a little shopping and wnet out to Etter’s (that’s those nice people) the middle of the afternoon and didn’t feel like working, sort of lazy, so I took a snooz of a couple of hours. I hadn’t been getting enough sleep for a few days cause a bunch of the fellows are putting on a play and they have been in the shop late every night fixing up lights and stuff for the play. I didn’t have to help them but I sort of like that kind of tinkering and I was learning a little too. Well, the next day I worked real hard and got the carpenter job done that I had started for the Etters way last fall. Then I came back to camp yesterday morning on a bus the gets to Elkton at 7:00 I had to get up at 4:15 to catch it.
Say! what a paragraph! I just couldn’t seem to get it stoped. Well, I told you what I had been doing.
That weather youn’s are having sure beats the dutch don’t it. It sure will help out the spring plowing. That’s an awful lot of spring plowing.
No Mom I cn’t hit all the right keys without looking mostly cause I don’t have to. When I’m writing letters I look at them and I don’t do much copying.
Want to know what I said to myself when I read that you were trying to loose pounds, Mom? “It seems to me I heard that song before.” I really think that you can do it tho if you keep at it long enough.
Glad you are reading Abundant Living. I’m on the 30th week and it gets better all the time.

Yours with love.

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