Sunday, October 31, 2010

September 22, 1943

C. P. S. #59
Elkton, Oregon
Sept. 22, 1943

Dear folks,

I reckon that you have wondering what happened to me. Well, I just got back from another fire last night, (Wed.).

I won’t tell you much about it this time as I don’t have much time. I am going to write up a little report on it and make some carbon coppies of it to simplify letterwriting. We got the call last Wed. about 4:30. I guess we traveled about 240 miles and arrived there in the morning. This time the fire was even farther away but we went over some of the same road. This one was at Klamath Falls, Ore. If you want to look it up on the map. The fire was out north of Klamath Falls about 14 miles.

I found one letter waiting for me when I got back last night and then another from you today. So you will only get one for two.

Thanks for the “buck” Dad. And the Air Mail stickers. I got a few airmail envelopes but I’ll use them sometime.

The rest of the guys got today off to make up for the Sunday we worked on the fire, I guess. But I got sucked in on a hurry up job of helping rig up a thing to can prunes. Or they will still be plumbs I guess. They have a steam laundery here now with a big boiler that supplies the steam and runs a little steam engine that does the mechanical work. Well they are taking an old dump truck box and pluging up the cracks around the tail gate, it’s a steel box. They have piped from the steam boiler to the box so the water will be heated by steam and I am helping make some racks to put jars in so that they can lift them out. They want to start canning this afternoon. I don’t know how many prnuse to start canning this afternoon. I don’t know how many prunes they have but they are dickering for a ton of salmon from Portland and they figure canning that that way too.

Well, I’ll give you more details about this last fire by carbon copy.


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