Sunday, August 15, 2010

August heat and harvests

Dad's post mentions thrashing oats. I wasn't aware that they had grown oats on the farm in Iowa. We are dealing with heat here, still in the high 90's or l00. We have grown squash this summer, patty pan and crook neck and a small patch of corn in the front yard. We took out the lawn but have not replaced it with much besides dirt and the weeds. Two summers ago we had a good crop of beans in the front, then last year we put in a solar closet. Really Tim put it in, so during the construction we didn't plant anything. Now we are begining to think in longer terms of what we want where in the yard. I think we are not avid gardeners, but are learning it bit by bit and book by book.
Dad also mentions Kingsly in this letter. Kingsly is his cousin and was in the army I think in North Africa and Italy. When he says "the fighting is over there" I think given the date he means that the fighting was happening then.
The college is about to start up this week and I will meet students, as usual I will have some veterans from the current US wars and also spouses and children of those in the military. I hope for them the fighting is over.

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