Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nominating committees

Dad mentions getting put on the worship committee in this letter as he is trying to negotiate when to get home for a furlough. I had just gotten off of the phone as part of the yearly meeting nominating committee. We meet once a month by conference call, including the silence. In unprogrammed Friends Meetings there is no clergy and all positions are held by Members of the meeting. Some say that Quakers did not get rid of the clergy but of the laity (not sure on the spelling). I am in awe of this process in friends meetings and how 'way does open' for people to fill positions. Sometimes it seems as if there is no one, in our case for months and then finally a thought occurs which is followed up. I think it is also unique among Friends that we do not hold positions long, there is a hope to avoid rank. The practice of appointing someone to a committee when they are absent is not usually done, though their name may be suggested.

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