Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Travel and harrasment

In these two postcards that Dad wrote from the train he mentions that "only one guy called us anything". He never talked much about the harassment that the Conscientious Objectors experienced. He did mention that there were some problems in Ohio and that the local congressman worked to get the camp moved. Later in the war he rides on trains and spends time listening to soldiers. I think our society's tolerance for alternatives to the military has grown.
I missed writing on Sunday, not even sure why. Then I meant to do it on Monday which was Martin Luther King Day and missed that one too. So I'll just add my MLK story here. My sisters and I were lucky enough with our social minded parents to get to hear Martin Luther King Jr speak. I actually do not remember seeing him or hearing him, but I do remember being in the church where he spoke (I was a child and short). We were in an outer room with speakers I believe. I do not know if we ever sat down, my memory is of standing with a lot of people in the church and singing and enthusiasm. A very different experience than our quiet small Quaker meeting in Denver. Change takes a long time but it does come.

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