Sunday, October 25, 2009

How the letters got from the box to the blog

It is interesting to me how these letters have traveled in the last few months. For 60 some years they have sat in boxes at my grandparents house or at my parents and then lastly at my sister's house in Tennessee. I brought them home in May and started copying them and reading them, not quite sure what to do with them. Then a friend of ours Becky Richman decided to take a change of direction in her life and came back to Las Cruces for the summer as she was figuring out which way to go. Having time and better keyboarding skills than I do we made an agreement on her typing up the letters, so many each week. I was glad that she finished the project before she moved on.
Next I thought that maybe I could do an article for Friends Journal, using parts of the letters and I tried it but the letters seemed to want to stick together, so now I have started the blog, which seems to be working well. My goal is to post twice a week. So below is the third letter from Coshocton which includes an interesting discription of an evening of entertainment at the camp.


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